Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Brutal Kettlebell Complex

The following is a brutal kettlebell complex, brought to you by Mike Bergener. This sucker is 100 total reps without putting the kettlebell down - if you're strong and in SERIOUS condition, a 53lber will be all you need! In the past, I have done this for 3-5 sets as a stand alone session, but 1 set (2 if you're feelin' lucky!) will be plenty after a total body strength based session.

1. 2 Handed High Pulls x 20
2. High Pulls x 10 (left & right)
3. 2 Handed Swings x 20
4. Swings x 10 (left & right)
5. Snatches x 10 (left and right)

I am warning you - you're heart is going to be beating out of your chest and lactic acid will be surging from your fingertips down to your calves - but if you're looking for an intense metabolic conditioner if you're a combat athlete, or for a SERIOUS fat loss kettlebell drill if you're just a dude trying to look good for summer, then look no further!

1 comment:

albina N muro said...

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